Achievements & Interests

  • Volunteering: I have been volunteering with the ISPCC as a Childline service
    facilitator for more than twelve years engaging with children, supporting other volunteers, and contributing to fundraising, advocacy campaigns, and technology focus groups. I also volunteer with Johnstown Tidy Towns working on community improvement projects and I am champion with the CoderDojo in Kells. I previously worked with Masks4All Meath which was a volunteer led campaign to supply front line workers and vulnerable people with face coverings during the Covid-19 pandemic, worked with as a moderator for their online services, contributed to the website development and PR activities of the People with Disabilities in Ireland (PWDI), spent time canvassing with Generation Yes and Ireland for Europe during the Lisbon Treaty Referendum, and I was a leader of The Foroige Youth Club in Cabinteely.

  • Sport / Hobbies: I pursued an interest in Archery throughout second level education and I am a past member of the Irish Amateur Archery Association. I have a keen interest in swing dancing and I regularly attend social and charity events including a performance at the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-2012 final in Galway and fundraising events for Enable Ireland. I also enjoy walking and running in my spare time.

  • Travelling: I have travelled extensively throughout Central and Eastern Europe. I enjoy experiencing new cultures and adapting to new environments.

  • Awards: Gaisce (Bronze) 1999, European Computer Driving Licence 1999, St. Michaels Class Merit 1998 & 2001, Keeping Safe Child Protection Awareness 2011, Children’s First 2018, QQI Level 5 in Occupational First Aid 2018.